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Writer's pictureKrishnanand

What is Kundalini?

Updated: Aug 7, 2023

And Why It Is Dangerous...

Spiritual Anatomy

Your physical body is constructed upon a framework of a subtle energy-body. Your subtle-body is a collection of energy receivers, called chakras--meaning (energy) wheel in Sanskrit.

Once your soul makes contact with the heart center, in a flash, your Spirit divides into two currents; one travels up, the other travels down. The current splitting at the heart center enlivens the lower energy receivers: one in the solar plexus, one in the pelvic area and one at the end of the tailbone—the coccyx.

The current that travels up activates the energy receiver in the throat, flowing up and activates the one in the brow, between the eyes, and then enlivens the crown center at the top of the skull.

Now seven energy centers which makeup the subtle, energy-body are enlivened.

The downward current comes to rest in the coccyx and whatever residual energy that remains within it becomes dormant.

The residual energy which goes dormant may be subtle and tiny, but its power is massive! The nuclei of atoms are tiny too, but their energy-power can provide energy to an entire city. Or destroy one!

Activating Kundalini

The residual energy that comes to rest is powerful and potent and contains the seeds of energy that can ignite all the centers to their maximum potential. This dormant and residual power of the soul is called Kundalini--meaning "coiled up" in Sanskrit.

The upward current comes to rest just below the crown of the head in the pineal gland, deep within the brain (referred to as the seat of the soul by ancient Greeks). This is referred to as the third-eye or ajna chakra.

All chakras are now activated and the physical form is now animated tissue: IT’S ALIVE! The Soul is at rest in the heart center with upward and downward currents flowing Above and Below.

A Garden of Eden

My 1992 kundalini awakening had me certain it was the surest, most powerful and potent way to become enlightened and I was dedicating my life to it. It was such an abrupt and intense shift in consciousness that I naturally assumed it was my destined path of spiritual illumination.

This is not the time nor place to explore it in detail, but a full-kundalini experience is a mind-expansive-phenomena that is indescribable and absolute.

However, pursuing Kundalini only reveals the highest layers of the material phenomena, but does not, and cannot, reach the Divine Phenomena.

The Yoga Darshans, inlacing Kundalini Yoga darshan, are very clear that this path is merely a tool to use to launch towards God-Realization. Its risks are profound as the inner experience is so intoxicating (and dangerous), that it can take a yogi away from the Divine Realm rather than towards.

  • *If unprepared and untrained, it will likely cause madness. A good number of mental patients are not ‘crazy,’ but having a Kundalini crisis.

Because of the origins of these paths advising it is not to be used as the end-game path to attain God within your heart, I turned away from Kundalini…

Each lifetime we receive is an opportunity to break free from the material realm and transcend it by shedding our material forms and becoming pure spirit. This is referred to as Enlightenment by the Buddha and God Realization by the yoga Saints. Therefore, there is only ONE real value to understanding the process of reincarnation: to progress in our soul’s journey.

This live masterclass illuminates what the ancient, Sanskrit texts reveal. Learn the true authentic methods for obtaining the perfected state of anand: BLISS--to attain eternal ONENESS with the essence of Divine Love Herself, Divine Love Consciousness.

You can Register for free here:

(If you cannot make the live workshop times, then you will receive a recording)

Who is The Teacher?

"My spiritual purpose is to attain Divine Love Consciousness within this lifetime. My worldly purpose is to assist others to do the same."


I have dedicated my life to studying and practicing spiritual paths.

I love and respect them all.

I have not only learned what works and why but how to combine them to customize a set of spiritual methods that suit each individual.

I don’t teach ONE way to spiritual illumination.

Nor am I a master or guru. I have learned Eternal Truths from the many that have graced this earth with their presence and knowledge.

I don’t teach you my way to spiritual illumination.

I teach and share Their ways. This way you can decide for yourself what your spiritual destination is and how to best attain it.

My qualifications are:

  • Yoga practitioner and scholar for over 35 years

  • Kundalini

  • Tantra

  • Bhakti

  • Ashtanga

  • Hatha Yoga Pradipika

  • Certified Master Alchemist from Flamel College

  • Member of the International Alchemy Guild (members include Sir Isaac Newton)

  • Mentored by Dennis Hauk

  • 3rd Degree Ceremonial Magician of the Ordo Templi Orientis

  • Hermetic scholar and Egyptologist since youth

  • Proficient in all forms of Western and Oriental mysticism (kabbalah to I Ching…)

  • I have spent months in ashrams of northern India, toured the tirth sites of the Buddha and traveled extensively through Nepal, Egypt and Europe as a spiritual pilgrim from the Vatican in Rome to Stonehenge in Salisbury

Thank you for giving me a purpose within this material world.

I am humbly honored to play a role in assisting spiritual seekers to connect with the Eternal Truths.

Live participants will be able to ask questions and interact with the class.

As a spiritual fitness trainer and mentor, I don’t know how to stop or say no.

This means that students will get private access to me for questions and personal instructions before and after class.

My teachers remained accessible to me, so I carry the same tradition by being available for questions and concerns.

The truth is simple: you know it when you hear it and the meaning of ‘occult’ is hidden—in plain view. Come get your spirit on.

Becoming a true spiritualist will test you.

It is not easy, but for those who seek it, there is no other option.

Gautam Buddha once said, “The best and worst day of someone’s life is when they accept that Enlightenment is genuine. The best because they finally know why they’re here and what they’ve been seeking for eternity. The worst because they know at that moment, they will never again be happy with the world.”

Sages, Gurus, Saints and spiritual Masters have been dispatched to this earth to share the Eternal Truths to assist us in our Soul’s Journey to spiritual perfection. As variegated as they’re teachings may seem on the surface, they all teach the same things in their own dialects. This masterclass unifies the most sacred and trustworthy spiritual paths and their teachings.

Free Enrollment

You'll Receive:

~A Free Mastery Workbook on Cosmic Consciousness

($25 val.)

~ 90 min LIVE Teaching Session

($122 val.)


~An intro to the origins of this world's spiritual paths

~The 11 Methods for attaining higher consciousness

~the 3 original systems for enlightenment

~The eternal truths Hidden in Plain View

~Q&A at the end

~A Recording of the session if you can't make it

Register below

(You'll receive an email with time options. There will be a recording if none of the times work for you.)

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