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The Short Version
Krishnanand is a Spiritual Junkie, 5x Award Winning Author of 4 Books, 3x Documented Medical Miracle, 2x Near Death Experiencer, and 1 Big-Headed-Know-It-All

(Certification Pending)

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The Longer Version

5x Award Winning Author of 4 Books (2015-2019--all in print, audio and eBook) Click to see more 

◦ Including Benjamin Franklin Silver and Pinnacle Achievement Award

A Stone's Throw--Memoir of a Dope Fiend

Project Addiction--The Complete Guide to Using, Abusing and Recovering from Addictive Drugs and Behaviors (Pinnacle Achievement award)

Road Games--Bizarre Stories, Curious Tales

Project Addiction Counselor

• 3x Documented Medical Miracle From a 9 Day Coma NDE (2013)

◦ Survivor Of:
   ▪ Stage 3 Glasgow Coma
   ▪ Diffuse Axonal Injury
   ▪ Traumatic Brain Injury

◦ Evaluated by the Chief of Brain Neurology, UCLA

• Private Practice Behavioral Specialist (2005-Current)

◦ Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor (CATC, Breining Institute, 2006)

       - Project Addiction Treatment Course

◦ Registered Addiction Specialist (RAS, Breining Institute, 2006
◦ Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (CCHt, Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 2005)
◦ Certified Life Coach (International Life Coach Group, 2005)

▪ Awarded ‘Life Coach of The Year’ by California State Legislation

Behavior Treatment Courses

• Master Alchemist (Flamel College, 2006)
         Mentored by Dennis Hauck

• 3rd Degree Ceremonial Magician (OTO, 2004)
• Full Kundalini Awakening (1992)
• Innovative synthesizer of Sacred Geometry, Numerology, Tarot, Astrology, I Ching, and Kabbalah (1990s)
• Bhakti Yogi (Eternally)

“If you seek my services, I won’t just see you as a human being, but as a spiritual being. Discover where you have been and where you can go!”



Krishnanand is a Spiritual Fitness Trainer
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