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Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry are the archetypal shapes of cosmic manifestation.

The Origins of Sacred Geometry

When the divine creative force (God) expands the material phenomena from its abstract state (pralaya) to its manifested state (maya)--the foundation of it is geometry: circles, squares, triangles, hendecagrams, etc. Shapes that are not man made, but are primordial archetypes that are the underlying framework for the material universe we see, touch and experience with our five senses.

The qualities of the shapes are the cores and essences of all material things. They are in perfect symmetry, balance, charge and have frequencies.

The core of Within The Portal Blueprints is in sacred geometry, a service that maps out the material unfolding of each major phase of your life. The Pythagorean Theorem is what your WTP blueprint is formed upon--a cosmic shape that is perfect. A metaphysical shape that contains doorways and windows into the layers of your reality.

The Sum is Greater Than its Parts

Like Pi (π), the Pythagorean Theorem is an infinite mathematical calculation that unravels the structure of the material manifestation.

It is based on the Right Triangle and states that:

“The area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides."

This theorem can be written as an equation relating the lengths of the sides a, b and c, often called the "Pythagorean equation."

Which to me means, “gobbledygook, gobbledygook gobbledy, gobbledy gobbledygook.” And for you other non-egghead mystics, Pythagoras’ theorem gives us the material blueprint which existence is framed upon.

God Geometrizes

0. The CIRCLE: No beginning nor ending. “God is an intelligible sphere, whose center is everywhere, and whose circumference is nowhere.” (Alain of Lille). The ZERO or CIRCLE is perfect, infinite and eternal. Value of ZERO.

1. The POINT: Abstract manifestation, the point is “spot” existent. It is matter but prior to direction or relativity. Value of ONE.

2. The LINE (vertical & horizontal): The Point now has motion and trajectory. It now has relativity. It is now “here” because it is not “there”. It has Spirit. The POINT has now arrived within the latitude of the material; gravity, horizon, limits… It has direction (Forward/Back). Spirit meets material as a CROSS: Spirit has descended into matter. The value of TWO.

3. The TRIANGLE: The CROSS now experiences unity by joining together and completing the circuit. It represents body-mind-spirit, conscious-subconscious-higher (or UNconscious) and the triad; Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The triangle is the potential synthesis of the spiritual and material together. Value of THREE.

4. The SQUARE: The material phenomena. Earth, four corners, four directions, four elements. All material, tangible, dimensional objects exist within four dimensions (3 spatial and one time). Value of FOUR.

This is why Pythagoras’ theorem gives us the material blueprint which existence is framed upon. The basic, foundational and fundamental geometrical forms are all present within it and create it. No parts are independent.

The triangle is within the center, and the cross provides the base and support of it. The top of the cross is where spirit descends and enters into matter (age zero). Life begins and travels (in 9 year cycles) around the geometry of manifestation. The Spiritual Triangle (the Soul) remains at the center and life’s events manifest around it. The Jiva or Atman, is the Divine essence that is perfect and eternal. It is the “cloak” of humanness; how the Soul expresses itself. It also cloaks and shrouds it, forgetting its own divinity at the core.

What Now?

You don’t need to be a trigonometry major to benefit from the magic of Sacred Geometry. These basics will be enough for you to experience a deeper dimension of your Within The Portal Blueprint.

The next spiritual modality we will cover is Numerology.

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