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Writer's pictureKrishnanand


Updated: Aug 5, 2024

Our human consciousness is alive and strong. Our spiritual consciousness is only partially awake. This varies from person to person, but regardless of how spiritually awake someone is, it can always be more. We suffer because we are trapped within material consciousness—our third eye is closed. Our third eye is the Ajna chakra, in the center of our heads that our pineal gland, the seat of consciousness, is connected to.

Certain experiences cause a Third Eye opening; spiritual awakening. Near-death experiences, religious experiences and mystical events can cause a spiritual activation. We can also apply deliberate methods and practices to cause such an event. There are special yoga methods to activate Third Eye opening. There are certain breathing techniques, specific asana postures and meditation methods that open the Third Eye.

As a spiritual trainer and teacher, I assist many to have a Third Eye opening. The yoga methods of breath, postures and meditation can be combined with lifestyle changes that may be simple, but cause a shift in perspectives and trigger wider awareness. I often suggest a series of challenges for a student that may be absurdly simple, but are so unconventional they cause an inner, paradigm shift. These shifts begin to cause a profound domino effect that expands consciousness.

If you’d like to join the free live workshop this week on prying open your third eye, the link is in this post. The workshop will give you the knowledge AND the methods for a Third Eye Opening. Poets Wordsworth, Blake and Thoreau used bizarre, but simple methods to alter and expand their consciousness and stimulate their art. In our workshop, we’ll go over these and more.

FREE PRYING OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE WORKSHOP, TWO OPPORTUNITIES TO ATTEND: Thursday, Aug 8, 2024, 5.25pm (pacific time), Saturday, Aug 10, 2024, 7.45am (pacific time)

These training exercises have been around for thousands of years. Anyone can do them and all that’s required is commitment. The ancient Egyptian mystery schools, sages and gurus from India, Zen masters and Christian mystics have all taught these to their students.  

But that’s just the start. Once your Third Eye is open, you need to keep it that way! Many people have spiritual awakenings with a third eye opening, but few of them do the necessary work to keep it open. Like any area of wellness it takes some work to keep it fit and healthy. The point of a spiritual awakening is to get busy on spiritual development. To spiritually evolve. A third eye opening is the start of spirituality, not the end.

The cool thing is that once your Third Eye begins to open, the things required to keep your consciousness expanding becomes much easier and more natural. It’s important to do the right exercises in the right order to keep it progressive and the mind evolving. I will teach a student adham pranayam—belly-breathing, in the beginning stages, but do not teach the agni (fire) breath technique until they are advanced. Not just because it’s more difficult, but because doing it too soon is dangerous. A method done incorrectly or at the wrong time can cause illness and mental disturbance.

Most of our conventional spiritual practices are just for smoothing out our material lives and having inner peace. They barely work. Going to yoga class and meditation retreats are well and good, but they rarely have a lasting or permanent effect. If your goal is basic self-improvement, they are adequate for this. But if your goal is to awaken and activate your spiritual progress towards attaining illumination you may be ready for something a bit more challenging.

Personally, I don’t want to settle for inner peace. I’m ready and willing to do the work to experience spiritual illumination. I want to transcend human consciousness. Do you? Are you ready?

Learn how to pry open your third eye safely and responsibly.



Be careful! A spiritual awakening, when your third eye opens, is not typically easy. It usually causes an abrupt paradigm shift in our lives which can make it difficult to navigate through. A Third Eye opening can make it difficult to relate to the mundane world. Considering how valueless the mundane, temporal world is, I have trouble appreciating it already. All I’ve ever wanted since my youth was to have spiritual consciousness that was beyond worldly consciousness. This inner yearning was a call from within that beckoned me. The more time I put in to discovering spiritual mysteries and truths, the more I found and the more I wanted. I try to satisfy my worldly desires just so they leave me alone. I try to fulfill my spiritual longings because I want more; I want to move forward and evolve. I don’t want them to stop. I want and need to be more spiritual, not material.

The Third Eye concept comes from the mystery schools of yoga: it is said that when the Lord Shiva’s third eye is closed, he is in Samadhi—a state of peace that is an illusion. While his third eye is closed, the material phenomena—the universe, is in its manifested state which is an illusion. When He opens his third eye, the material universe evaporates—the illusion is destroyed. This is why He is called The Destroyer of the trinity. There is Brahma, the god of Creation, Vishnu the god of preservation and Shiva the destroyer.  

The material reality, called maya or samsar in Sanskrit, is not actually an illusion that doesn’t exist. The Yog Darshan, Vedas and other Sanskrit texts explain that the material world is indeed real: you can’t walk through walls and move mountains with your mind and this isn’t just because you don’t ‘believe’! The physical world is real and exists, it is just our perception of it that is an illusion. Our human, material consciousness sees everything as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and is automatically forming opinions and perceptions about everything. The Vedas teach that the illusion is not the world itself but our perception of it. Human, material consciousness sees everything subjectively, but pure, spiritual consciousness sees everything objectively. The ‘good-bad’ concept is destroyed upon third eye opening, not the world itself.

The challenge of a Third Eye opening is that as your own consciousness expands, you begin to lose interest in mundane entertainments and people. You cannot relate to a mundane, non-spiritual world as you once could and nonspiritual people cannot relate to you much either. The cool thing is that you’re experiencing an inner peace and acceptance like never before. So, what’s the downside?

This process of separation and detachment can be difficult. As your consciousness becomes more aware, it’s like you’re moving on, and many of your loved ones are not. You have less in common with them, we go our separate ways and it can be lonely. You also feel a spiritual empathy for others and humanity as a whole as you want them to get unstuck from material ignorance too. It can be a lonely burden. A certain degree of Christ-like consciousness develops and you become very sensitive to the world’s sufferings. Yet there is little you can do about it.

If we can open our third eye, we destroy the illusion that we are human beings having a spiritual experience and have full awareness that we are actually spiritual beings having a human experience. Big difference.

Learn how to pry open your third eye safely and responsibly.

The yog(a) and Buddhist paths teach us how to become Self, or Soul, Realized, also known as true Enlightenment. Becoming Realized or Enlightened is a literal term for removing our spiritual ignorance.

Avaranatmik(a), is the Sanskrit word for this particular type of ignorance.

We might call it ‘Self-forgetfulness’ or ‘Soul-ignorance’.

Avaranatmik(a) is the Godpower that causes us to forget we are Divine Souls and think we are merely mortal humans. It causes us to identify ourselves as physical bodies, not Souls. This is the where the concept of “original sin’ talked about in Genesis comes from. It is when the first humans ate from the Tree of Knowledge which causes them to see themselves as naked, flawed humans rather than divine souls. Their banishment from The Garden is the metaphor for forming attachments to ego, vanity and desiring worldly pleasure over divine union.

This story from Genesis originates from ancient teachings of yog(a).

The word yog is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘union’—to join.

Yog paths are methods to have union of our consciousness with higher-spiritual, God consciousness. As the Tantric paths of yog, such as kundalini, migrated from the East to the West, they got altered and modified. Kundalini means ‘coiled up’ in Sanskrit and refers to our psycho-spiritual, cosmic awareness being coiled up—asleep and unaware—in a dormant state trapped in our muladhar(a) chakra at the base of your spine. It is symbolized as a coiled-up, sleeping serpent.

The Genesis account has a serpent offering the fruit of an apple to the first humans from The Tree of Knowledge.

The serpent symbolizes the kundalini path of yog; the methods to attain Union with the Divine. The apple from The Tree of Knowledge represents the yog knowledge and methods to attain Self (Soul)-Realization. The original Genesis only spoke of the Tree of Knowledge. It was changed to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil once the founders of organized religions saw that yog methods would put them out of a job! The quickest way to make the masses dependent on them was to demonize any methods to attain union with God without them!

They did the creative, media spin by declaring that if you eat from the Tree of Knowledge, you will not have union with God, but be exiled from God. The actual event of eating the apple from The Tree of Knowledge is a metaphor for a Third Eye closing—a closed Third Eye is accepting the illusion of worldly life which is exile from God’s Garden. God doesn’t really banish man from The Garden at all—we do it to ourselves by desiring worldly pleasure over anand—the bliss of Spiritual Union.

Many organized religions want you to keep your Third Eye closed: to accept that ignorance is bliss. To quote my latest book, Within the Portal, “ignorance isn’t bliss; it’s just ignorance.”

 A third eye opening removes the illusion of material bliss which ignorance provides. The Truth shall set you free and True Knowledge IS Bliss and True Knowledge is absolute awareness of your Divinity.

A Third Eye opening is a return to The Garden.

To become aware of your divinity and see the illusion of material pleasure. So, what’s the downside of a third eye opening? How’s it dangerous?

Because we live in a human world, not a divine one.

And ignorant humans have a prolific tendency to crucify saints and celebrate politicians. If you don’t open your third eye carefully and properly, you cannot conceal your divine awareness which usually results in an institution or an execution!



Most of the world has their third eye closed. Very few have their third eye open. Some have a third eye that is partially open. Opening your third eye should be done carefully. Done improperly, it can cause insanity. Or worse: you could start a cult or become a politician!

Most of us bounce back and forth between worldly thinking and spiritual thinking. Living in the world requires it. We can’t remain in spiritual consciousness while doing worldly duties. Worldly duties require your material consciousness. The challenge is to shift from material consciousness to spiritual consciousness when it’s time to meditate, pray, go to church or temple or participate in any spiritual practice. Our material consciousness is hard to suspend during spiritual practices. That’s why it’s called ‘spiritual practice’; sadhana in Sanskrit. Practice makes perfect, and over time, we can shift quickly and seamlessly between material and spiritual consciousness. Once our Third Eye is wide open, we can sustain a spiritual mindfulness whilst doing our worldly duties. A quote I love from the Upanishads is, “In the beginning you DO your sadhana. And in the end, sadhana is ALL you do.” 

This means that over time, as your Third Eye remains open with spiritual practice, your spiritual consciousness is always present in a subtle manner that does not interfere with your worldly duties. Another one is, “be IN the world but not OF the world”. This one is often attributed to New Testament bible’s, John 17.16. A safe and proper Third Eye opening is done gradually so that you can adjust to your shifting perceptions and evolving values. Krishn in the Bhagavad Gita teaches the same thing as He instructs Arjun to do his duty as a warrior but to “keep your mind in Me.”

The Third Eye opening shift can cause psychic perceptions too. As the boundaries of your perceptions evaporate, your mind has greater access to The Akashic Records, where all truth and knowledge is stored, as well as the past, present and future. Psychic abilities can be very distracting and seductive as all powers can be. Sanskrit texts caution us not to absorb our minds in them as they are not truly spiritual, but rather a more subtle aspect of maya and therefore part of the illusion it. It is advisable to ignore psychic abilities and keep your mind on Divine Love Consciousness.

Thankfully, sages, saints, buddhas, gurus and masters have been dispatched to this earth time and time again to help us be safe and sane with our Third Eye opening. How we cause a third eye opening and how we sustain it is vital to how we navigate through it. Much of what they teach and provide for us is altered and modified by stupid humans with political and organized religious agendas. But the true, authentic and original instructions they provide are still present and available to use if we know how to find them. As Yeshua, the Christ teacher said, “seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.” The methods and practices used to open your Third Eye and develop spiritual consciousness safely has been preserved and guarded and await you. Seek with your heart and it will come to you. Search with love and you will open your Third Eye.

And keep it that way!

Learn how to pry open your third eye safely and responsibly.


Two opportunities to attend LIVE on Zoom video:

Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 5.25 pm (Pacific time)

Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 7.45 am (Pacific time)

Q&A during the workshop; knowledge and application for Third Eye opening methods. Please register to attend.

No, you will not get hammered with spam mail; you will be sent the zoom link and a couple reminders before the workshop.

For those who cannot attend live, the class will be recorded and stored on the cloud. Request the link and it will be provided.


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