I went to bed one night alongside my sweet and beautiful Soulmate wife. My best-friend-son was in his room in the house I owned in a peaceful suburb in Southern California. My wife and I had just returned from celebrating our ten-year anniversary by touring sacred sites in northern India and Nepal. I went to bed that night exhausted from a full day of helping people solve behavioral issues as a private practice counselor. My life was meaningful and blessed.
Sixteen hours later I was dead.
Seven years before this I had walked away from the construction company I had started from sweat and soil to do something more meaningful with my life. I started my helping profession in a small sublet office space and had progressed to a comfortable private, corner office overlooking a park. That day I was booked over ten hours with back-to-back clients to help. Suddenly three of them texted to reschedule their sessions. This happens occasionally, but never three in a row. Suddenly I had nearly five hours to kill. Because I was booked all day, I hadn’t brought any other work to do in my office. My wife couldn’t join me for a walk so I decided to go up the street to a local clinic for a routine checkup. I’m ultra healthy, but was overdue to check the stats. That day, I rode my motorbike to the office. I have a very unusual motorbike from Italy. I changed from my office attire into riding gear and when I exited the parking garage, I turned right instead of my usual left. To this day I do not know why I turned right instead of left. Seven years in that office and I had never once turned right to go into town: the left turn was quiet side streets, but the right one was boulevards and intersections.
A few blocks later I paused at an intersection for a red light. I was alone in the left turn lane and had a green arrow just for me. As I eased out to turn left, a driver in a full-size SUV went through his red light and hit me in the face, killing me instantly.
Dead on the street, mangled, bloody and… DEAD.
On the southeast corner was a tire store with a man standing outside of it on his cell phone. He saw the accident occur and ran to pull my body from under the SUV. People were screaming at him, “Leave him alone, leave him alone, help is on the way!” But he ignored them. He is a pastor. He figured God put him there for a reason and as he held my head in his lap, he released my helmet strap which was cutting deep red grooves into my throat and began praying my last rites to send me to heaven, “May you return to him who formed you from the dust of the earth.” The body he held was bleeding from the ears, mouth and eyes. I was DEAD.
On the other corner is a Jack In The Box fast food joint. Two paramedics were in the FRONT of the drive-through line waiting on their order.
· Had they been in the back of the line; I would not be here.
· Had they wanted tacos instead of burgers that day; I would not be here.
They saw the accident occur and were on the scene in moments trying to bring me back to life. They sheared off my shirt to apply a heart starter. The shirt I happened to grab that day was from the Museum of Death in Hollywood. I have dozens of collectible t-shirts from Stonehenge to rock concerts, but the one I grabbed that day was the Museum of Death. They brought my body back to life and I was in a Stage 3 Glasgow coma. Eighty-seven percent of Stage 3 Glasgow coma victims die or remain permanently vegetative. Those who survive are severely impaired for life. My injury was a Diffuse Axonal Brain trauma—the worst brain trauma known to science where your white and gray layers completely separate. Fewer than 9% of severe DAI trauma survive and recover. Miracles? I was two for two now. If it weren’t for pastor Tom who pulled me from the wreck and the paramedics on the corner shearing off my Museum of Death shirt to defibrillate me, I wouldn’t have woke from my coma. I remained in a coma for nine days, get this, on my 48th birthday.
When I woke, I did not know how to talk, I did not know how to walk. I did not know my name, who I was nor did I know who my wife and son were. My memory and entire identity had been deleted from my consciousness.
At the moment of impact, I catapulted from the physical realm to the realm of spirit. I did not have the out-of-body experience, hovering above watching the accident scene. I was like, “F this! I don’t need to be around for this shit!” The entire nine days I was in a coma, I was completely aware and conscious in the dimension between life and death I now call The Portal. Tibetan Buddhists call it The Bardo and Western Religions refer to it as purgatory. My citta, my consciousness, was in full and constant communication with whom I refer to as Akashic Agents. They are God’s administrators; kind and benevolent personifications of love and knowledge. They shared with me the mysteries of life, death, reincarnation, heaven, hell and the importance of attaining Divine Love Consciousness. I was offered visions and knowledge that are rare even to the near-death experience. I was given the standard life-review—seeing your life pass before your eyes, but was also offered life review of multiple past lives. I accepted this offer and asked to only see lifetimes where I made spiritual progress and lifetimes I made spiritual error, so I could see and learn how to attain divine realization once and for all. Like a cinema, past lives over thousands of years were uploaded to my consciousness. I saw some of the most significant spiritual events of history. I was shown a life-preview of what I could expect upon my inevitable return to back to my body. And it was terrifying; the suffering I was going to endure when I returned to my body.
I asked the Akashic Agents, “Why am I receiving a multiple life review and such tremendous knowledge of spiritual mysteries?” And it was explained that my life’s work had prepared me for these unique features to my death experience.
My Near-Death Experience did not cause my spiritual awakening. Nor did I die for a moment, see divine light, return to my body and walk it off and back to work the next day. I certainly did not need to die and return to give me proof and evidence of a Divine power of love. I had been a practicing spiritualist my whole life.
I began to read just before I was four. I have devoured books all my life and nothing fascinated me more than religion, the occult, spiritual paths and mystical methods to Eternal Truths and spiritual consciousness. By the time this death event occurred I was deeply involved and committed to my spiritual development and in pursuit of divine illumination and enlightenment. That anniversary trip to India and Nepal just a month earlier was my seventh. I had been doing sadhana (spiritual practices) every day for years. I was a scholar of yog(a) paths, ceremony and been a spiritual pilgrim to sacred sites of the world for years.
It seemed the akashic agents were permitted to expose me to a plethora of eternal truths and visions because of spiritual work well prior to this dark event of death.
My death experience has been an ongoing event since 2013. It has never stopped. I have always done the work and put in the effort to sustain my spiritual awareness and direct relationship with spiritual forces. I have continued to study, practice and apply spirituality into my daily living. I have always appreciated what our world’s religions and paths have in common more than their differences. As the world argues and assaults itself with gross misunderstandings of spirituality and authentic, genuine spiritual thought and practices get commercialized and politicized, I have worked my ass off to find, access, study and practice the genuine and original teachings of our Sages, Masters, Gurus, Saints, Buddhas and Acharyas. The true and authentic teachings are hard to find, but they do still exist if you know how to seek and find them.
My daily life was dedicated to spiritual knowledge and practice before my death event and has continued to this day. I study, read, meditate, work, serve and live in spiritual contexts each day. Yet, I am also like anyone else: I like a good beer at a ballgame, still take my motorbike out for Sunday morning rides and am a dedicated father of a grown son and work hard to make ends meet and keep fit and healthy.
Allow me to briefly offer you my services:
I serve all those who seek my assistance based on what they can afford. It’s a sliding-scale honor system. I am a spiritual trainer.
Just as a physical fitness trainer prescribes what type of exercises you should do and coaches how to do them, I provide customized spiritual practices and coach you to do them smart and safe to become more spiritually fit and developed.
Just as a fitness trainer motivates you and finds creative ways to inspire you to make great progress, I work with you too:
One-on-one, coaching and motivating you to break free from material bindings of worldly living to experience spiritual living.
It’s not always easy, nor gentle, but you will make spiritual progress and achieve spiritual fitness.
My training services are a labor of love. They include teaching, instruction, intuitive readings with tarot, astrology, numerology and other methods and books to read, study and enjoy.
I serve my purpose on a sliding scale.
My coaching, training, guidance and books are given to students and clients who seek me out for assistance, regardless of what they can pay for them. Readings are the only service that require a cost. They are intuitively channeled, take days to complete and are often 15 pages or more.
Some pay nothing, some pay my professional fee, some have exchanged their time to assist me with some computer work or other assistance.
Bottom line is that NO ONE is turned away.
Anyone who seeks my assistance, gets it. What I offer is really just ONE service but in THREE forms:
I offer guidance in books, readings and counsel.
I have published five books and ten workbooks. I’ve been writing all my life; it is my passion. I’ve won six awards an author.
My latest book is Within the Portal—A Near-Death Experience Memoir and Guide to Spiritual Awakening. My near-death experience story is a collection of undeniable miracles of triumphs and tragedies.
Just what you’ve heard earlier is a small, tiny portion of the miracles that expressed themselves over my life.
My spiritual awareness and life’s work began in my early youth.
Within the Portal tells about my progression from organized religious dogmas to deep layers of spiritual mysticism; being a scholar and practitioner of occult systems that included ceremony and ritual, spiritual and practical alchemy, kundalini and tantra yoga, Taoism, Buddhism and others. This book explains how psychic tools like Tarot and Kabbalah’s Tree of Life are actually tools for developing spiritual consciousness rather than just psychic readings.
The story covers an epic journey from southern California to the pacific northwest, ashrams in the US and takes place in exotic lands within temples of India, Nepal and Egypt.
The story reveals the magic of soulmate love as well the machinations of spiritual forces such as karma, reincarnation the near-death phenomena and of the power of divine love consciousness.
This story is not a dry, academic account of events and knowledge.
It is a passionate sharing of documented, miracle events.
Even the divine power of miracles is explored and explained.
It is emotional and moving. It is a guide book for spiritual development.
I literally died for this book and have given it my heart and soul as a gift to those who seek more than the supernatural or psychic phenomena and yearn for a personal and intimate union of their minds and hearts to a love that is not temporal, but divine.
It is a navigator to help spiritually awaken and then assist awakeners in navigating to and through the dark night of the soul to arrive at the divine light of spiritual union.
I composed every detail of this book to be profound and enlightening.
Even the chapter titles and lengths of each chapter have been carefully designed. Every chapter can be read or listened to in 20-30 minutes so you can begin a chapter’s concept, experience it and have some conclusion within a single session. They are designed as creative meditations. Some will make you laugh with sharp wit and sarcasm; many will make you cry because the tragedies are so painful and many others will make you cry with triumphs that are beautiful and inspiring. And every word of it is pure truth: nothing has been fictionalized or even exaggerated.
Even the cover of the book is carefully and spiritually inspired:
This cover was given to me through a series of visions I had. I collaborated with the artist and had her create an authentic yantra true to the yantra formula of sacred geometry and layers of symbolism. It too is an authentic device for meditation and contemplation.
The book is designed and composed to activate spiritual awakening and to guide you through it. It is an access and entry point to spiritual understanding; it is a portal.
My other books are likewise made to inspire and provide guidance. Many of the students I serve move on quickly from books I have written to other books I suggest to them that are hard to know about and are part of what is known as The Underground Stream library: books that are the authentic teachings of true Saints and Masters without the modifications that were made by organized religions. I help students find the genuine ones so they don’t get misdirected by the wrong ones.
The second form of service I offer is readings.
The readings I provide to students are comprehensive: they are a synthesis off tarot, kabbalah’s tree of life, astrology and Pythagorean numerology. One reading gives you insights from all of them. They cover your entire life, from birth to death and reveal specific insights to four main categories:
· Your Life-Purpose—why you have incarnated into this identity,
· your Soul—exploring your divine essence,
· your Outer-Personality which is how your soul expresses itself in this lifetime and
· your Destiny—the legacy you can leave behind and what you can experience after this life’s death.
The readings I provide can be 10-16 pages some of them. They are not just psychic predictions. They explain where you are in your soul’s journey and how to progress to attain spiritual illumination and Soul Realization in this very lifetime. They are for spiritual development which also provides guidance on managing your worldly life.
Spiritual awakenings that can occur due to a near-death event or a mystical experience are just the start. Once someone is aroused from material consciousness to spiritual awareness, it is when the spiritual journey actually begins. Opening your third eye could be a destined event, but keeping it open takes work. Smart, careful, dedicated work. As we do our spiritual work, called sadhana in Sanskrit, we build a link to God’s Grace which helps us. It is said in the Upanishads that when you take one step to God, God comes running five steps to you! As the Master Yeshua, known as Jesus, said, “Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.” He didn’t say, “sit on your ass and I’ll just come to you.” All Sages and Masters instruct us to get busy with our spiritual efforts.
Since my death event, I have suffered.
That house I owned in the suburbs? Yeah, that is gone. That career I had of saving lives and helping people find solutions through trauma, addictions and disorders? I couldn’t sustain it while I made a miracle recovery from such severe traumas. My soulmate lover? Well… I don’t wanna spoil the story. How she and I came together in this life is bona fide evidence of Soulmate love over many lifetimes. If you read Within The Portal, you will hear a tale of miracles that happen one after the other as well as tremendous loss, tragedy and miraculous triumphs.
Since that fateful day of turning right instead of left, I have put in the work every day to sustain my spiritual mind and heart and make progress. My life is hard. What I have gained and that which I’ve lost is a collection of mind-bending phenomena. To quote Within the Portal, “There is only one thing worse than suffering; suffering for no reason.” If my story and knowledge motivate a single soul towards seeking union with spiritual love, then I did not suffer for no reason.
You don’t have to die to spiritually awaken. I didn’t. You don’t have to witness miracles to spiritually develop either. But you do have to do the sadhana to find your way to and through The Dark Night of the Soul. Many people spiritually awaken, few remain awake.
I am here to serve you. I am not in an ivory tower with website administrators barring contact to me. You got a question? You have something you want to know or figure out? You want to hang out with one of the free, weekly online discussions and guidance? Contact me directly and I’ll answer you.
I’m not a human being having a spiritual experience. I am a spiritual being, having a human experience. And so are you.