I am your guide and trainer, Krishnanand. Our contemporary world is wrought with oceans of bullshit so you must be very cautious who you gain knowledge from. When one blind man leads another blind man, both end up in a ditch. (the Rig-Veda of the Upanishads). Please pardon my hubris as I share about who/what I am in this current lifetime. I want you to feel confident that I am qualified to present on these topics.
My qualifications are:
· Six-time award winning author of five books, published in print, eBook and audio, as well as multiple workbooks. I began reading before I was four and have never stopped. I have consumed volumes of books.
· I am a polymath: a scholar of many fields; expert in several, proficient in many. I only present on topics I am an adept of. I am particularly fond of quantum physics, biology, genuine history, theology and most forms of science (except math!)
· A bhakti yogi since 2005 under the guidance of a Rasik Saint, Jagadguru Kripalu Maharaj
· Kundalini Yogi: a full blown kundalini event when I was 25. I have studied and practiced it for over three decades
· Tantra yogi: My kundalini event was activated by a Tantric Priestess with sexual yog within the tantra tradition (wow!)
· 3rd Degree Ceremonial Magician within the mystical society of the Ordo Templi Orientis; the one founded by Aleistar Crowley near the turn of the century for attaining mystical experience
· Master Alchemist: Mentored by the esteemed, Dennis William Hauk, I completed courses in Spiritual as well as Practical Alchemy. I am also a member of the International Alchemy Guild; a 500 year old guild which Sir Isaac Newton was a member of.
· Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (CCHt): Hypnosis Motivation Institute, the only college accredited educational organization for hypnotherapy. The clinical certification for clinical, medical methods
· Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor and Registered Addiction Specialist: with Breining Institute. I am a member within the Board of Behavioral Sciences of California.
· A big-headed know it all who has practiced each and everything he teaches and advises on. If you'd like a private guidance session, no charge, please request with button below:
· Certified Life-Coach: specializing in all manner of self-improvement including health, fitness, marriage, parenting, career and other fields. I combine my coaching skills with my addiction treatment expertise to solve bad habits and unwanted behaviors.
· Private practice counselor since 2007; I have administered to some of the severest pathologies and disorders.
· I am two-time Near-Death Experiencer: once at birth and a severe one at 47. I was in a nine-day coma, woke with no memory of how to walk or talk and was totally conscious and aware on the ‘other-side’ during my coma. I have maintained a connection with it ever since.
· Proficient in: tarot, kabbalah, Hermetics, astrology, Pythagorean Numerology, I Ching, Taoism, Zen and others. I have studied these mystical modalities to understand their true origins and how to use them as they were originally intended: for spiritual growth and progress; not psychic prognosticating.
· Sailor of The Underground Stream: The Underground Stream is an ancient term referring to the origins of this world’s religions and spiritual paths before they were modified and fictionalized by religious founders with political agendas. The Underground Stream refers to the genuine knowledge, history and practices preserved and guarded by mystics throughout the ages.
· A spiritual pilgrim: eight times to sacred ashrams, temples and parikram(a) sites in northern India and Nepal, visits to Japan, Stonehenge, Christian Catacombs, cathedrals throughout Europe, mystical sites in the Americas and travels to ancient Egyptian sites few know of that hold the authentic teachings of the ancient mystery schools as well as CERN for physics and backpacker of the Sierras and Pacific Northwest. SCUBA diver all over the world and skydiver twice too!
· Past-life regressionist: I have had and continue to have past life regression memories and assist others to do the same.
My life experiences and spiritual work are a collection of miraculous events that serve as a string of pearls as well as a crown of thorns: their beauty is a string of pearls and they are a crown of thorns as I am set apart from conventional society. I cannot seem to stop them; they have gone on all my life—stranger and more odd all the time so I just try to roll with them and share what they reveal to assist others to make rapid, profound progress in their own spiritual ambitions. Listing my so-called credentials are not an attempt to brag or self-grandize. I want you to know I am a reliable source, not a trend-influencer type spouting off. If I hear one more NDEr on some fucking podcast touting off like they’re the new messiah of God because they died, went to the ‘other-side’ and lived to tell about it, I’m gonna crucify somebody! Before anyone speaks about ANY subject, they should study it, practice it and put in the work to sustain it. Same as every two years I have to prove I studied new ideas and old ones in behavioral treatment to renew my counseling certification. Dying and seeing God does not make you a spiritual teacher anymore than having some psychic prediction ability makes you an expert on the true purpose of tarot. Driving a car doesn’t qualify you to repair one. Stay in your lane! Being spiritual takes more than yoga classes, non-dairy lattes and hybrid car driving. It takes WORK, STUDY AND RESTLESS DETERMINATION.
This blog page is here to provide free, authentic knowledge, preserved and documented from their original sources so that you can make sense of spiritual work and put it to practical use. You’ll either like my style or hate it.
Let’s open your third eye.