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In this chapter, I am in the ICU in a Stage 3 Glasgow coma with a prognosis of a lower than 10% chance to live. But my mind was fully functioning and aware as I had a telepathic dialogue with a celestial intelligence I call Akashic Agents.
In the dark night of the soul, bright flows the river of God.
—Saint John of the Cross
I’m not afraid of death because I don't believe in it. It’s just getting out of one car, and into another.
—John Lennon
Who am I?[WP1]
Your worldly identity and personality are part of the material phenomena. Your consciousness is what makes your worldly identity. It is attached to your soul, but they are different. Individual identities are not relevant here within celestial realms. They are not Divine as your soul is. You are a Divine soul. All souls are divine.
Where am I?
You are in a dimension between the spiritual and the material. It is known by many names in many religions and spiritual philosophies: Akash, the Bardo, afterlife, purgatory. . . . Your physical body is made of dense matter. It was in a coma being kept alive with machinery. Your subtle-energy body was dormant: it is made of subtle energy, what you know as chakras. Both your physical and energy bodies are in the world of matter, which they are a part of. Your material bodies are in a hospital.
Your causal body is your mind and consciousness: it is even more subtle than your energy body. It is made up of your karmas, destinies, memories, thoughts, and true knowledge you have acquired and accepted over many lifetimes. Your mind of consciousness is less confined to the physical world. Your consciousness is now experiencing both realms: the realm of matter and the realm of spiritual energies.
Is this permanent? Perceiving both realms at once?
Your consciousness will take some time to fully connect and settle in with your physical and subtle body. Your physical and subtle-energy body will always remain in the realm of matter. Your body of consciousness can exist in both dimensions simultaneously. Your perceiving of this dimension will fade as your mind settles back into the physical. With work and practice, you can sustain awareness of this spiritual space for as long as you like.
Why did this happen to me?
Everything is in balance. These events occur to maintain balance in the Creation.
A Divine power that manages Creation is cause and effect, what you know as karma.
Everything that happens to you is a cause and effect. Every good event in your life is the effect of a good action you did in another life. And the events you feel are bad are effects of bad actions. The Spiritual Government does not actually recognize actions or events as having “good” or “bad” qualities. The cause and effects are simply proportionate and of similar character.
Spiritual Government?
Yes. All features of the Divine realm are merely extensions of the Divine Godpower. The material realm is managed and administered by Divine agents. We are all One with God, but simultaneously separate. Some call us angels, spirits, deities, gods or goddesses. We are the Godpower’s loving servants.
Consequences from a previous life? Not this one?
Most karmas are not instant. Every deed you do in a life is recorded and stored here, in the Akashic Records. They fructify—manifest—over many lifetimes.
Not all at once?
No. They are spread over many lifetimes. Karma is the force, like gravity, that binds you to the material phenomena. There are far too many karmas to experience in one life: It takes a moment to take or save a life, but the punishment or reward takes longer to fulfill. You have infinite karmas collected over infinite lifetimes.
Your death tragedy was not a malicious act of the other driver who hit you; it was an accident. In another life, you inadvertently caused a similar tragedy to another living soul, so your event was similar to restore and maintain a cosmic balance. Please do not think of it as punishment. It is not a punishment any more than a good event, like winning an award of money, is a reward. Whatever you do is a cause, and whatever you experience is an effect.
This spiritual system of justice, balance, and order is merely a teaching tool. Now that you have the true knowledge of cause and effect, your free will is enhanced. You can have conscious awareness of your intentions and actions. With this understanding, you will be more conscious of your choices and put more effort into living righteously.
But if an action is merely an accident, why is there a consequence?
With more awareness and mindful living, most accidents are avoidable. The effect of an action is not determined purely on the action itself. It is influenced by the intent. Causing harm deliberately has a very strong effect, while causing harm accidentally, without harmful intent, receives a much milder effect.
You cannot know, nor have access to, the action you did that caused this. This knowledge is divine and not accessible to human souls. The law of karma is governed with God’s love and is merciful. Accepting our fate with gratitude is divine. Try to accept your fate with gratitude. This is what karma is for: to grow.
Are there deeper reasons and meanings to these events beyond mere cause and effect?
God is pure Love and Grace. The order and arrangements of events are all designed to provide souls with spiritual opportunity. The more challenging the circumstances, the greater the opportunities there can be. Many souls receive Divine interventions. Few receive Divine involvement that is obvious and undeniable. You have friends in high places! Your circumstances are extraordinary! Someone very high in the spiritual hierarchy has gone to great lengths to provide you with such extraordinary dynamics.
But if we forget our prior lives and actions each time we are reborn, how can we learn from them and choose to live righteously?
It is God’s Grace of mercy that allows you to forget the collection of karmas one accumulates over many lifetimes. A soul’s material mind would be overwhelmed by them.
You do not consciously remember these lessons you are taught here within this celestial space, but these lessons and this knowledge remains within your subconscious and unconscious minds. Over time and with effort, they become more prevalent in your decision-making. Surely, you’ve met people who are just naturally good. Surely, you’ve met souls who are naturally bad. No one is naturally either good or bad. They have natural tendencies because they have cultivated these qualities over recent lifetimes. Over time, they learned through the rule of karma that they will always reap what they sow. Karma and the lessons we learn from experience are God’s grace, God’s heartfelt teachings to you, providing opportunity to live in righteousness but to always have free will to do so.
I have tried to be a decent man most of my life. My sins and failures seem ordinary and do not seem as severe as so many I see who are having good lives with wealth, health, and love. My death and the suffering I am to endure from this does not seem appropriate considering my efforts to live righteously. Why?
Karma—the law of cause and effect—is perfect and just and does not make mistakes. Your transgressions and sins in this current lifetime were when you were younger and are not uncommon or severe. You have indeed lived within righteousness for over twenty material years as an adult. The affects you are receiving in this life are not from actions you made in this life; they are from previous lives. All of your actions and intentions are stored in a karmic dimension, often referred to on Earth as the Akashic Records. The consequences and effects of your actions will fructify, bear fruit, in coming lives. Your death experience and the suffering you will endure from it are from actions you made in past lives. These consequences restore and maintain balance. Karma is a perfect system of balance.
But if I can’t remember the actions I made to bring these consequences, how can I learn from them?
You’re learning now, here from within this spiritual space. It is up to you to try to retain and remember the law of spiritual cause and effect you’re learning here. This knowledge is already within your unconscious mind. With every effort you make to live righteously in your human life, this knowledge becomes more accessible to you. This is your conscience, the subtle feelings you get that tell you if something is right or wrong—your intuition, your moral compass. Righteous choices become easier each time you choose them over wrong. Wrong choices will become easier each time you choose them as well. Choose wisely. Whichever you choose strengthens one and weakens the other. However you choose becomes your natural tendency. These are called sanskars. Karma regulates events and circumstances. Sanskars regulate attitudes and tendencies. Choose well; choose wisely. Righteousness is available to all who pursue it and have the will to live within it.
You’re saying there are many layers to these events. The surface is the universal laws of cause and effect. The deeper layers are about spiritual opportunity and progress. My situations are going to be nearly impossible to endure. It seems to be purification by fire. What if I cannot survive it? What if I lose my mind or lose my way?
We will never give you more than you can handle. But We will take you to the limits of your endurance if you allow Us to.
I do. Do what must be done to purify me and raise me to purer spiritual consciousness.
Granted. Try to remember you asked for this.
Why is my death experience so lonely and shadowy? I’m not experiencing white light, love, comfort from departed loved ones, or angels. I’ve heard many tales of these being features of death. Am I undeserving of them?
You are not being deprived of benevolence in your death experience. Your faith and confidence in the Divine are stable and mature, as is your certainty of life beyond death. The Spiritual Government provides comforting images and presences to those who need them to cope and adjust to the dying experience. God is merciful and allows reflections of what a soul understands love to be in an effort to comfort them. The presence of white light, departed loved ones, spirit animals, angels, or other personalities are extracted from a soul’s spirit and mind. What they experience and witness are expressions and reflections of their own definitions of love and comfort. Do you require solace to accept what is happening to you and to know the Divine loves you unconditionally and limitlessly? Are you afraid? Do you feel alone?
No. I feel loved and protected. I feel your loving presence and need nothing more.
I am seeing images of my return to my body. I am seeing a Life Preview. I am seeing how difficult it is to be, as I will not remember whom I was or who I am. I am seeing tremendous loss as I will be disconnected from those I love and who have come to rely on me. I am scared, scared of not being close to them and everyone moving on from me. This extraordinary event is going to set me apart from them, and I see it will take seven years before my soul fully settles back within my body. What am I to do, and why will there be such loss?
The material time required is not for your soul to reintegrate with your body. The seven years of material dimension time are for your mind. Your mind is attached to your soul so it can carry on and progress with its experience and lessons. Your life’s experiences and lessons always remain within your unconscious and remain with you, life after life. Your soul is divine, but your body and your mind are material. Your mind will need seven years or so to reintegrate to the material plane of living. As it does so, it will slowly forget this experience unless you put heartfelt effort into remembering and honoring it. If you do, your mind will remember; if you do not, your mind will forget. It is up to you. Free will is God’s Special Grace. You will always be able to draw upon this experience for strength and to remember that a greater will is at work within your life. There is no meaningless suffering. God loves you and allows you to suffer to learn and come closer to the Divine.
I can only see vague visions of the future as I return to live again. I can see it is going to be hard and I will have significant loss and I am scared and do not want to go. I want to stay here, where it is safe and divine. Can I remain here?
This is not your time.
The large events you fear are destined to pass for your benefit, though you cannot accept that yet. Human souls cannot view the future in detail or else they may interfere with it. Destiny is a Divine responsibility, not a human one. You can have confidence that everything will unfold with Divine intervention as always. You can transcend hope and faith with confidence. Have not just faith or hope, but confidence that the Divine is with you with love and protection. God will never allow you to suffer needlessly.
How am I to cope? No one will understand me and may think me crazy when I share my experience and what I’m learning. They will think I imagined this. Am I imagining this?
Worldly people will always doubt spiritual things. It is unwise to convert or convince others of your spiritual perceptions.
I will be very lonely and may become bitter. I see myself struggling to accept this as God’s Grace as I have human needs of love and acceptance and companionship, yet these insights and truths will make it nearly impossible to relate to others. What will I do?
God will provide. Have confidence, faith, and hope. God is your Divine parent and will never abandon you. You must strive to trust God to provide you not with what you want but with what you need—spiritually. Faith in God during your darkest hours is opportunity to love God. Try to align what you want with what God wants for you. When you want what God wants, you are on your way to spiritual enlightenment.
How shall I live? I will need to feed my body, live indoors to be safe, and be healthy to remain undistracted from bodily needs. To live in the world, I must work and interact with the material world.
The material world is at your disposal: You can use it to evolve with love, knowledge, and service to the Divine, or you can use it for idle entertainment. Because your mind and body are material, they are attracted to the world and drawn to it. Because your soul is divine, it is attracted and drawn to the Divine. Your body and mind are often in conflict with the soul: Your material mind has forgotten you are a divine soul and seeks happiness in the world, while your soul influences your mind to pursue happiness in Spirit. When you align your mind and body with your soul, you will live righteously and in peace.
When you live spiritually, your material concerns become small. Overcoming material suffering is not a “test” but an opportunity to experience Divine, unconditional, limitless love through free will.
As explained previously, this did not occur like an actual dialogue. There was no one there in any conventional understanding of it. A divine, intelligent, and loving personality was with me. What I experienced within The Portal was “uploaded” into my consciousness. It was stored within my mind and much of it was gradually retrieved/remembered over time.
I do not reject doubters or disbelievers. It is far too laborious to convince or persuade. All I can offer is what I perceived and came to know and how. Take it as you like. . . . Is this an account of actual events? Or was I having an existential delusion brought on by my severe brain trauma?
Personally, I don’t care. Whether it was imagined or actual, it was what got me through it. My NDE went on with an intense magnitude for four years nonstop. It settled to a milder degree over years four through seven and stabilized over years eight and nine. My NDE is not an event of my past. It is an ongoing event, as I choose to remain mindful and interactive with the experience.
I came to refer to this spiritual-realm as The Portal: It was just a term I used one day and stayed with it. I came to refer to the contacts and communications within The Portal as Akashic Agents. These are my own terms. Call it what you will . . . angels, spirit guides, my imagination. . . .
My life leading up to my death event had been very spiritually productive.
Dialogue with the Other Side continues as Akashic Agents provide me with knowledge of how the laws of karma and sanskars work and other dimensions of reality. The eBook is ready for you for less than a cup of coffee, $2.88 for a limnited time, the beautifully produced audiobook is $14.44. I appreciate your time and interest in heart's work. I hope you will support it. You can buy the book on this site HERE. Or you can buy it on Amazon HERE or on your preferred boook vendor site.